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  • Getting Started with Reading & Math: Why Our Family Loves ReadingEggs and MathSeeds

Getting Started with Reading & Math: Why Our Family Loves ReadingEggs and MathSeeds

So let’s talk the basics: Reading + Math. When we were just getting started homeschooling our oldest (Hayden, 6 years ago) I found a iPad app called ReadingEggs (which shares a site with MathSeeds.) It’s designed for ages 3 through 3rd grade: I was a little unsure of it at first, because it seemingly started with “random” letters and concepts. However, after several months I could see all those lessons clicked and Hayden was starting to actually read!

I used ReadingEggs as our primary reading and math curriculum and bought a couple of Abeka workbooks for her grade level to act as physical supplements (I wanted her used to working through problems on paper as well.) I also discovered that ReadingEggs & MathSeeds have printable homeschool worksheets designed for homeschool families!



These days we mostly use The Good and The Beautiful for our curriculum (Hayden still does the Abeka math workbooks), but ReadingEggs & MathSeeds remain a big part of our education for all the kids! What I think makes it so successful, is how they approach a lesson by presenting a concept in several different ways and learning styles, so that if one way doesn’t click, another one will! ReadingEggs often offers free trials and they have multi-sibling discounts (we have to call in for our homeschool discount, but it’s worth it!)



In addition to RE & MS, I’ve been loving using The Good & The Beautiful language and math (+ other subjects) with my younger kiddos. This curriculum is so beautiful and engaging, the kids just love doing their lessons (most days ??) with it!! I’ll talk more about them in a future post ???



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