Simple Throw Pillow Slipcover

I’ve been on the hunt for some cute, but cheap throw pillows for our couch for quite some time – why are they so hard to find!? Finally I decided I should just find cheap pillows in the size I wanted and then cover them with a fabric I like…

I found these on a local for sale site – they’re 18″ and I got them for $8 total – not tooo shabby.

This fabric I got for free from our local “free-cylce” group and I knew I wanted to use it as soon as I decided I was going to cover my own pillows! For my 18″ square pillows, I cut two 19″x43″ strips {one for each pillow.} The 19″ is the height, and I just added 1″ for the seam allowance. For the length I knew I wanted thicker hems for the overlapping flaps {2″} and I wanted allow 3″ to overlap my pillow opening: 18+18+2+2+3= 43″.

After ironing my fabric strips smooth, I folded each end over 2″, ironed them flat, and then hemmed them using the edge of the foot pedal as my guide for the seam. {I did one at a time.}

It was really hard to tell which side was the “right” side with this fabric, but you want the “raw” edge of the ends to be on the back side of the fabric.

To line up my overlapping flaps, I folded my fabric in half and marked the middle with a pin in either end.

I then overlapped the ends making sure they measured 3″ from the beginning of one flap to the end of the other.

Next, I pinned the middle of the flaps to the middle of the fabric on both sides and sewed the ends closed.

Here’s what the end looked like after sewing it shut:

And then I turned the pillowcase right-side out through the pillow opening…

And inserted my pillows!

I love how they turned out… and how simple it was to make these!


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