Picture Wall Progress: Laying It All Out

At the end of December I posted about finding & spray painting my 25 frames for the picture wall I wanted to create.

Now I’m about half way through hanging my pictures & thought I’d share some of my progress 🙂 To arrange my pictures I traced each one onto newspaper and then labeled each corresponding frame & paper with a number so I wouldn’t have to play the guessing game later on.

I started with the three  central 8×10 , since I knew I wanted that to be the focal point, and then worked my way outward from there until all my papers were placed. I ended up adding a couple more frames that I had around the house to make it look “just right.”

the focal point

the full arrangement!

And now we are in the process of filling the frames! I wanted to arrange them first so I would know which way the pictures would be oriented. I started with some of our favorites, and so far I’m pretty pleased with our selections.


my and my grandmother <3

Philippians 4:8 – one of my favorite Bible verses {edited with Picnik}

starting to come together!


I also created this guy that needs a home:

So we clearly have several frames left to fill – which to me is the fun part! – but definitely a lot farther along 🙂 It really helps to have the frames ready and the overall layout configured. Hopefully I can manage to get some better quality pictures when it’s all finished 😛


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