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My Little Bible Study

Welcome to the My Little Bible Study Resource page! I created these studies after struggling to find *exactly* what I was wanting to do with our kiddos for the Bible portion of our homeschool time. Early on in my research I came across an amazing website {freebibleimages.org} that shares illustrations for pretty much the whole bible – for free! I decided that in the spirit of that site, and because I was making these anyways for our own use, I would share our studies for free with anyone else who might find them helpful!

My current goal with these study guides is to work through the pretty much entire Bible in order, breaking it down into smaller, studiable stories. Each booklet has five main sections: 1.)Read  2.)Observations  3.)Draw the Story  4.)Memory Verse  5.)Review & Discuss. These can be spread out over the course of the school week if desired, or depending on age and attention span, they could be completed in a single sitting!

*** I will be releasing these studies as we work through them and I make new ones. If you find them useful and would like to be notified when I post new sets, please fill in your email below! {I will likely post several at a time, so updates/emails will not be super frequent!}


    {This form will ONLY be used for the MLBS notifications and not any other BROhaha posts. We also respect your privacy and would never share your email.}


    To view a particular Book of the Bile along with each study’s specific references and photo source, click below. Otherwise scroll down to view all available My Little Bible Studies.


    Genesis | Exodus | Numbers | Deuteronomy | Joshua Judges | Ruth | 1 Samuel | 2 Samuel | 1 Kings| 2 Kings | 1 Chronicles | 2 Chronicles | Ezra| Nehemiah | Esther | Job | Psalms | Isaiah | Jeremiah | Ezekiel | Daniel | Hosea| Jonah


    Matthew| Mark | Luke | John | Acts | Romans | 1 Corinthians | 2 Corinthians | Ephesians | 1 Timothy | 2 Timothy | Titus | Philemon | Revelation

    The Creation Story | Adam & Eve | Cain & Abel | Noah & The Ark | The Tower of Babel | The Call of Abram |  Abram & Lot Separate |  Abram & Hagar |  Sodom & Gomorrah |  Abraham & Isaac


    1. These documents are for PERSONAL USE only. Accordingly, you agree that you will not copy, reproduce, alter, modify, create derivative works, or publicly display content created by me from these downloads*, except for your own personal, non‐commercial use. {Non-profits such as churches and teachers are also considered Personal Use for this resource.}

    2. NO REDISTRIBUTION, except for personal use. You may alter/distribute unlimited physical copies for yourself or your church/school. However; You may NOT upload/host this original file or any derivative versions for others to download, or for traffic to your own website, or attempt to sell digital or physical copies.

    *But, pictures of you using this document, or of portions of the study for the purpose of promoting and/or reviewing are acceptable. We would LOVE for you to SHARE this resource with a link to our page: http://bro-haha.com/my-little-bible-study/ If you’re not sure, don’t hesitate to ask!

    ATTRIBUTIONS: The accompanying illustrations used in the “STORY” portion and the single image on the cover of this study are not mine, and are used with permission from freebibleimages.org under either a CC BY-SA 3.0 license or a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license as a “Collective Work” for educational purposes. These images are subject to their original terms, which are more specifically outlined in each individual download. Select additional clipart was found at freepik.com.